Body Measurements
What better way to capture the changes to your body than by taking before and after measurements. Use this simple, downloadable guide to record measurements at key places on your body. You will be ready to take the PFC Plate Challenge and share your amazing results!
Ready to get started?
Download and print our body measurement guide

Proteins, Fats and Carbs
The PFC Plate itself contains a list of suggestions in each of these three categories. When you are ready to go grocery shopping, take along a PFC Plate or download our list of PFC foods. Remember, the key is to eat the proper proportion in all three categories at every meal!
Going shopping?
Download and print our handy list of PFC foods
Grocery Shopping Guide
Be a savvy PFC grocery shopper with our handy list of tips and suggestions. Get familiar with the store, read the labels, learn what ingredients to avoid and which to put in your cart with this easy guide.
Ready to learn more?
Download our grocery shopping guide