After learning blood sugar stabilization for weight loss and health from my mentor and friend Mark Macdonald 9 years ago, I gave 600+ presentations in 8 years handing out white paper plates. “PFC every 3 like a baby” is something you have probably heard me say a thousand times. Along the way, I handed out well over 100,000 paper plates teaching people PFC every 3, integrating (PFC) macro, micro, Phyto, and endo to nourish our bodies at a cellular level. This is how true healing can happen, not just weight loss but overall vitality and excellent health!
About five years ago, God put “PFC plate” in my mind and
heart. I thought to myself “if I can teach the kindergartners, the athletes,
and the 80-year olds how to eat like this, we can train anyone.”
People would come up to me and say, “you gave a presentation
for my workplace one year ago and taught that “plate.” I lost 30 pounds and the
plate is still on my fridge!” After hearing that enough times I realized the
plate needed to come into real existence as a tangible tool to help people win!
I believe it can change the course of obesity and the crazy
dieting lose/gain mentality. It’s time for people to start nourishing their
bodies and health. It’s time for families to get it right. It’s time for moms
to quit dieting. It’s time to learn to nourish and eat right for “health”.
The PFC plate is going to be the biggest health tool since
the launch of the pedometer! It will change millions of lives across the globe!
I am so thankful for Evan and Ganya Anderson for helping the dream come to
pass! Without them the plate would’ve never come into existence. It would have
only been an idea. Make sure you get around the people that bring your ideas to
life! Together we can change the planet!
My boys have heard me talk of the “PFC Plate” for 5 years so
when they were finally here (after FDA compliant approval, printing, packaging,
and shipping), it was a “family” dream giver moment for sure! Dream BIG and
tell your kids! Let’s change the world!
Stop Dieting. Start Nourishing. Live Abundantly.